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Google Sitemaps

Blogged in Uncategorized by Andrew · Saturday June 4, 2005

Google recently released their new Google Sitemaps as a beta (what do you expect from google?), here a few links I’ve been reading on the subject.

Google Sitemaps Homepage

Google Sitemap Protocol

Google Sitemaps Overview from Search Engine Watch

Breaking Down Google Sitemaps XML from Social Patterns

Google Sitemap for WordPress Blogs also from Social Patterns

3 responses to “Google Sitemaps”

  1. hink says:

    Hey, great minds think alike. 🙂

    What sort of odds do you give a system like this?

  2. […] Blogged in Web Development by Andrew · Saturday June 4, 2005

    Since hink asked, here are my thoughts on the whole Google Sitemaps idea. Overall, I […]

  3. XeroCool says:

    Google Sitemaps with WordPress

    Michael Nguyen, has posted a good PHP hack to add Google Maps to your site with WordPress. Try it out! (Update: This blog is now running Google Sitemaps!)…

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