:: TheOneAndTheOnly.com – Andrew Buckman ::

Apple iPad

Blogged in Uncategorized by Andrew · Saturday January 30, 2010

What were they thinking?!

  • No Flash
  • No multitasking
  • No video camera(s)
  • No iChat

Yes, I’m extremely disappointed that the “ultimate web device” doesn’t have support for Flash. While I hate Flash as much as the next web developer, it’s far too ubiquitous to ignore. Maybe it’s Adobe’s problem, but I find it hard to believe Apple couldn’t get it to work if they really wanted to.

I’m still getting one.


SFTP and SSH Timeout

Blogged in Uncategorized by Andrew · Tuesday October 27, 2009

I bought a new router the other day, I was having some odd problems with my current one and thought it’d be nice to move to an 802.11n router.  I picked up a Netgear WNDR3700, my first foray into Netgear products.  Overall I’m pretty happy with the router except for one extremely annoying problem… it’s been timing out on my SFTP and SSH connections after just a 5-10 minutes.  I’m regularly working on a file directly off an SFTP connection and I often go more than 10 minutes between saving or interacting with the server.  Transmit gets kind of hung up with that happens and if you’re trigger happy on closing a window, you can end up losing your file altogether (not cool).  Suffice it to say, that happened yesterday and I had to quickly rewrite the code while I could remember the gist of it, and prompting me to get this annoyance straighted out.

I presume the problem I was having was related to the new router timing out the NAT tables more frequently than my old router and not doing anything with my requests after it timed out the connection.  Unfortunately, I could not find any settings in the router configuration to adjust this interval, however it was an extremely easy fix in Mac OS and it solved the problem for me with both SSH and Transmit.

The Fix (more…)

Share on Facebook

Blogged in Uncategorized by Andrew · Friday May 8, 2009

No doubt you’ve seen the nifty Share this on Facebook links on websites, maybe you even have them on your site already.  Did you know that you can also craft titles, descriptions, and a thumbnail for the page to pre-populate in the sharing box?  Follow the instructions after the break to get share this links on your site if you don’t already have them, and below that you’ll find some tips on getting titles, descriptions, and thumbnails added.

Double Line Stroke in Illustrator

Blogged in Uncategorized by Andrew · Sunday April 5, 2009

My girlfriend, the darling over at Spleen Chronicles, was lamenting the lack of line styles in Illustrator today, specifically the ability to put a double-line stroke on a path.  I being a big fat cheater, gave her a way to get the effect she was looking for at the expense of the inside area between the two lines not being transparent.  After the break you’ll find my walkthrough for the double-line stroke, screenshots are from Illustrator CS4, but it is possible to achieve the same effect in CS3 and perhaps earlier.

Canonical URLs

Blogged in Uncategorized by Andrew · Sunday March 1, 2009

Google recently announced support for a new meta tag to designate canonical URLs as an alternative to using 301 Permanent Redirects. For those unaware, a canonical URL is the primary URL you want your content indexed as, often times duplicate content can be found on multiple URLs, especially when using a CMS or eCommerce platform. If a product exists in multiple categories, there may be multiple URLs for that product, all with virtually identical data. In certain situations, such as the product in multiple categories, a redirect to a canonical version may not be ideal, and in other situations, it may not be possible to set up appropriate redirects. For these circumstances, the new meta tag was created. The format for the new tag is as follows:
<link rel="canonical" href="http://www.mystore.com/my-book/" />
You would place this in the header of all similar pages. As an example, http://www.mystore.com/books/my-book/ and http://www.mystore.com/authors/andrew/my-book/ should both include the meta tag. This should also help with the myriad of tracking variables that can show up on the end of URLs.

You can use the meta tag across subdomains, thus http://books.mystore.com/my-book/ can point back to http://www.mystore.com/my-book/, but you cannot use it across domains, so http://www.mybooks.com/my-book/ will not work.

Relative URLs are allowed, however I would strongly recommend specifying an absolute URL, the entire point of the meta tag is to specify a URL that is the definitive canonical version of a page, best to specify it absolutely to reduce the chance of errors.

The meta tag is supported by all the major search engines: Google, Microsoft Live, Yahoo!, and Ask.

For more details, see Google’s excellent writeup on specifying your canonical.

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