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SFTP for Web Users on Plesk 7.5

Blogged in Uncategorized by Andrew · Saturday May 14, 2005

Another quick How-To for Plesk 7.5 Reloaded for Linux. I was setting up a Web User account and realized there is no option to grant SSH access in the control panel when doing so. Obviously that’s normally a good thing, but with scp-only as the shell to allow SFTP/SCP without granting actual SSH access, I wanted to assign it to the web users. Fortunately it’s quick and painless to do so on the command line via SSH.

First, create the web user and note the name of the account. We’ll use paris for our example.

Now, login via SSH, su to become root, and enter the line below:
usermod -s/usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server paris

That should change the shell for the user to scp-only. If you haven’t already installed scp-only, check out my other post on the subject: HOW-TO: SFTP on Plesk 7.5 Reloaded for Linux.

3 responses to “SFTP for Web Users on Plesk 7.5”

  1. Holy crap, you just saved me ass with this post, this one and the related one. Seriously, many, many thanks.

    I got myself in a little over my head, trying to be helpful… thank you.

  2. Joe says:

    Thanks. You just saved my brain from exploding.

  3. Mathew Sunil says:

    Hello there,
    I did the same and I was able to login using SFTP. But the issue is that now this perticular user have access to all the other directories (eg: other users directories even to root (/) folder). Is it possible to jail root the user to his home directory. btw I am using plesk 9.5 on Cent OS 5.Please help.


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