:: TheOneAndTheOnly.com – Andrew Buckman ::


Blogged in Uncategorized by Andrew · Monday May 2, 2005

Just came across this interesting new take on graphing.
Sparkline PHP Graphing Library (http://sparkline.org/)

Sparklines are “intense, simple, wordlike graphics” so named by Edward Tufte.

Personally I rather like the idea of integrating small word-sized graphs in documents, certainly would have fit in on the basic web stats overview I had in the midwestgallery.com’s user area.

Hello world!

Blogged in The Site by Andrew · Sunday May 1, 2005

Here begins my fresh new blog. It will be nice to do something a bit more visible with my beloved domain name of 5 years now. I plan to focus mainly on web development topics, a few snippets of code I’ve created and/or modified, tips I’ve picked up from the web, and clever sites/software that catches my eye.

I’ve elected to start out with the ‘Desert Theme’ by evil.bert and modify it to suit my needs. By the time I’ve finished I doubt there will be much left of the original code, but I find it nice to start with something my first time around rather than staring at the endless blank page.

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