:: TheOneAndTheOnly.com – Andrew Buckman ::

Betting on the End of the World

Blogged in General Thoughts by Andrew · Wednesday September 10, 2008

So they fired up the Large Hadron Collider today.  Apparently there was quite a buzz of people afraid they’d blow up the world starting it up.  One place in England was apparently even taking bets!

Meanwhile, William Hill celebrated Man’s continued existence. It had taken £119 from punters willing to bet that September 10 2008 would see the end of the world.

A spokesman said: “Our standard odds are 1,000,000/1, but anyone wanting longer or shorter odds is at liberty to take them. A number of customers took us up; on our offer and have bet that the world will end as a result of the Large Hadron Collider experiment.”

To anyone else I say, never fear, you haven’t missed your chance.  If the LHC experiment is going to cause the end of the world, it surely won’t be until they start colliding sub-atomic particles.  Today they merely let them race around the track.  There’s still time for you to bet it will end the world, and I too am willing to take your bet and let you name your odds.  Leave a comment with the amount you wish to bet and your desired odds and be sure to enter your email address when posting.  I’ll get back to you with my PayPal address for you to send your payment over.

source: Large Hadron Collider doesn’t cause the end of the world – yet

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