:: TheOneAndTheOnly.com – Andrew Buckman ::

WordPress Plugin: Editor Search 1.3

Blogged in Wordpress by Andrew · Tuesday June 7, 2005

Just a quick note announcing an update to my WordPress Plugin, Editor Search, now at version 1.3.

Word searching now wraps in both Firefox and Internet Explorer. I also made a small usability improvement (I think) in this version, when you click in one of the input boxes, the other will clear. Now you won’t be searching for ‘Firefox’ and still have the line number 5 in your other entry box. It was annoying me so I fixed that.

I’ve also added the option to include the javascript externally, though it is off by default. For more details and to download the plugin, head on over to its permanent home with the link below.

Editor Search Plugin for WordPress

WordPress Plugin: Editor Search 1.2

Blogged in Wordpress by Andrew · Wednesday June 1, 2005

Introducing “official support” for IE6. Hopefully I didn’t break anything in the process! 🙂

After much frustration, I’m pleased to announce that Editor Search now works in Internet Explorer 6.0. IE appears to automatically scroll the textarea to the proper position when I move the cursor, so that should be perfectly accurate, however the slight deviation from the proper position still occurs in Firefox, hoping to minimize/eliminate that in 1.3 or 1.4. One minor difference in IE is that word searching doesn’t currently wrap when you reach the end, I should be fixing that in 1.3.

Download Editor Search 1.2 Plugin for WordPress 1.5

Editor Search Permalink

WordPress Plugin: Editor Search 1.1

Blogged in Wordpress by Andrew · Sunday May 15, 2005

Released a new copy of my WordPress plug-in, Editor Search, today. No major changes and all the caveats from 1.0 still apply.

The only noticable change is the addition of form tags around the input boxes to facilitate hitting the enter/return key after typing in your search phrase or line number. In the background, the code added to the editor pages should now be Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

Download Editor Search 1.1 Plugin for WordPress 1.5

Editor Search Permalink

WordPress Plugin: Editor Search

Blogged in Wordpress by Andrew · Wednesday May 4, 2005

Tossed together my first plugin for WordPress today. Personally I like using the theme and plugin editors built-in to WordPress. However one much needed feature for me is a basic search, especially when editing the main CSS file as it is huge. So after a bit of research and some Javascript work, I’ve created Editor Search. Expecting a more clever name? Me too, but it describes what it does so I’m sticking with it. Release notes can be found on the permalink.

Download Editor Search 1.0 Plugin for WordPress 1.5

Editor Search Permalink <- Release notes here.

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