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WordPress Plugin: Editor Search 1.1

Blogged in Wordpress by Andrew · Sunday May 15, 2005

Released a new copy of my WordPress plug-in, Editor Search, today. No major changes and all the caveats from 1.0 still apply.

The only noticable change is the addition of form tags around the input boxes to facilitate hitting the enter/return key after typing in your search phrase or line number. In the background, the code added to the editor pages should now be Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

Download Editor Search 1.1 Plugin for WordPress 1.5

Editor Search Permalink

SFTP for Web Users on Plesk 7.5

Blogged in Uncategorized by Andrew · Saturday May 14, 2005

Another quick How-To for Plesk 7.5 Reloaded for Linux. I was setting up a Web User account and realized there is no option to grant SSH access in the control panel when doing so. Obviously that’s normally a good thing, but with scp-only as the shell to allow SFTP/SCP without granting actual SSH access, I wanted to assign it to the web users. Fortunately it’s quick and painless to do so on the command line via SSH.

First, create the web user and note the name of the account. We’ll use paris for our example.

Now, login via SSH, su to become root, and enter the line below:
usermod -s/usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server paris

That should change the shell for the user to scp-only. If you haven’t already installed scp-only, check out my other post on the subject: HOW-TO: SFTP on Plesk 7.5 Reloaded for Linux.

WordPress Plugin: Editor Search

Blogged in Wordpress by Andrew · Wednesday May 4, 2005

Tossed together my first plugin for WordPress today. Personally I like using the theme and plugin editors built-in to WordPress. However one much needed feature for me is a basic search, especially when editing the main CSS file as it is huge. So after a bit of research and some Javascript work, I’ve created Editor Search. Expecting a more clever name? Me too, but it describes what it does so I’m sticking with it. Release notes can be found on the permalink.

Download Editor Search 1.0 Plugin for WordPress 1.5

Editor Search Permalink <- Release notes here.

HOW-TO: SFTP on Plesk 7.5 Reloaded for Linux

Blogged in Uncategorized by Andrew · Tuesday May 3, 2005

As I’m transitioning from the current Ensim 3.1 server to a new server running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3ES with Plesk 7.5 Reloaded, one very major issue came up. I refuse to use plain FTP for file transfers, always using SFTP, yet it wasn’t working on the new server. Not cool. Turns out you need SSH enabled on the account thereby granting the user shell access. Now I need multiple SFTP accounts, but I have no desire for them all to have shell access as well. After a bit of research I came across scponly which acts like a shell, yet restricts the user to using it only for SFTP/SCP, no command prompt at all. Plesk conveniently has a selection box for you to choose a shell when granting SSH access to user accounts, so after getting scponly installed, it’s now a piece of cake to grant SFTP/SCP access without giving shell accounts. Instructions after the jump for anyone looking to do the same.

and I’m live…

Blogged in The Site by Andrew · Monday May 2, 2005

Here we are, I think I’ve finished my template massaging for now, got it back into spec so both the XHTML and CSS validate. A few areas to restyle still, but I’m generally pleased with the current layout.

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